If you need to cancel an individual private lesson for any reason, please do so as soon as possible. Cancellations must be done before the scheduled private time with the coach that the private is scheduled with. Please do not call the gym and leave a message or send an email.
We provide individual private lessons. All students participating in private lessons must be a registered member of Tuscaloosa Tumbling Tides. To register, a parent/guardian must go to our website, www.tumblingtides.org, and fill out the registration information. In the "Comment" section, put "Private Lessons" and what you are wanting your student to work on. Private lessons are designed for no more than three students at one time. Individual private lessons are scheduled with a particular coach of your choice. If you do not have a coach in particular than we will assign a coach to your student based on what skills you list they are needing to work. Private lessons are not allowed during any regular class time, birthday party, or any other gym event that may be on the schedule.