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1. As per the State of Alabama, the Covid-19 Public Health Order was lifted as of May 31, 2021.  We will no longer be requiring a mask to be worn inside our facility and the 6"social distancing will no longer be required. 

2. Please send a bottle of  WATER, NO Gatorade, Kool-Aid, or sport drinks, only water, in a drawstring bag which they will carry with them to each event.  The water fountains are now open.  The concession room area is closed.  No open food is allowed in the gym.

3. If your gymnast wants to bring their own hand sanitizer to use, they can put it in their drawstring bag.  For now, the cubbies will remain closed.  The students have been able to keep up with their belongings much better by keeping them with them in their drawstring bag.

4.  Please have your gymnast already dressed for class when they arrive. The restroom is available as needed.


5.  We want the lobby to remain open for students to enter and exit classes, so please wait for your student outside on the sidewalk or drive up to pick up your student. If you drive up, please put a sign with your student's name on it in the front window so we will be able to know who to call to come out.

6.  Students should come no earlier than five to ten minutes before class.

7.  We do not prorate fees or offer make-up classes for missed classes.

These guidelines and procedures are effective as of June 1, 2021.  



Tuscaloosa Tumbling Tides

3150 9th Court, Tuscaloosa, AL  35401

Tel: 205-345-0999   Email:

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